The Unopened 1,700-Year-Old Bottle: The World's Oldest Wine

The Unopened 1,700-Year-Old Bottle: The World’s Oldest Wine

The oldest bottle of wine in the world is believed to be the Speyer wine bottle, also known as the Römerwein, which is on display at the һіѕtoгісаɩ Museum of the Palatinate in Speyer, Germany. The bottle dates back to at least the 4th century AD, making it over 1,700 years old.

The bottle was discovered in 1867 during excavation work in the vicinity of Speyer Cathedral. It was found inside a sarcophagus that contained the remains of a Roman nobleman. The bottle has a capacity of approximately 1.5 liters and is made of dагk green glass with handles shaped like dolphins. The liquid inside the bottle has long since evaporated or been absorbed by the sediment at the Ьottom of the bottle.

Scientists have analyzed the bottle and determined that it was likely filled with a mixture of olive oil, resin, and wine, which was a common practice in ancient Rome. Despite its age, the bottle is still in remarkable condition and remains a fascinating artifact of ancient Roman culture.



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