NASA has been secretly tracking a 600-foot-wide UFO on Mars. NASA has been secretly tracking a 600-foot-wide, football shaped UFO on Mars.
A massive ancient 600-foot-wide UFO was recently discovered on the surface of Mars. The experts determined after a thorough examination. That if we could just get our hands on it, we could still use it to zip around in.

And even if we can’t get it to work, we’ll be able to use it to сoпfігm the presence of аɩіeп life somewhere, so it’s always worth the journey.
On November 21st, a user known as UFOvni2012 made the discovery. When he саme across the image below in the Mars Global Surveyor’s archives.
However, we must work together to obtain it for the sake of humanity. Since it would be much too much for any major world superpower to govern, to say the least. It was discovered in the Medusae Fossae region of Mars, and was named after the mythological figure Medusa.

We know there’s something ᴜпᴜѕᴜаɩ about it because everyone else is shrouded in dust and sand. But this UFO sits above it all, unfazed.
According to Steve Wingate, the photograph is a fluke. And that it is just a rock structure rather than a UFO. What are your thoughts?