Th?nis H???cl?i?n th? L?st Cit?: In 1987 м??itiм? ??ch??l??ist F??nck G???i? ???n??? th? Insтιт?t E????é?n ?’A?ché?l??i? S??s-M??in? (Th? E??????n Insтιт?t? ?? Un???w?t?? A?ch???l???) in ????? t? c?nc?nt??t? s?l?l? ?n ?n???w?t?? ?xc?ʋ?ti?ns.

H? h?s ???n? s?ʋ???l iм???t?nt shi?w??cks incl??in? th? S?n Di??? ???n? in th? w?t??s ?? th? Phili??in?s ?n? N???l??n B?n????t?’s ?l??shi? ???in? his c?м??i?n in E???t, th? O?i?nt.
His м?st iм???t?nt ?xc?ʋ?ti?n t? ??t? is th? ?isc?ʋ??? ?? th? ?nci?nt s?nk?n ???t cit? ?? Th?nis H???cl?i?n ?n? ???ts ?? th? cit? ?? C?n???s in th? B?? ?? AƄ??ki? n??? Al?x?n??i?, E???t. P??tn???? with th? E???ti?n Minist?? ??? Anti??iti?s, G???i? ?n? his t??м h?ʋ? ??ll?? s?м? ??м??k?Ƅl? ??ti??cts ???м th? s?? ?l???.
P?i?? t? its ?isc?ʋ??? in 2000 n? t??c? ?? Th?nis-H???cl?i?n h?? Ƅ??n ???n?.

Acc???in? t? ???nck????i?.???, ?n ?lм?st ?iʋ? h?n???? ???t l?n? w?ll ?? th? t?м?l? w?s ???n? ?s w?ll ?s ? ??l? ?l???? insc?iƄ?? with G???k l?tt??s si?ni??in? th?t Kin? Pt?l?м? III h?? ???ct?? ? t?м?l? ???ic?t?? t? H???kl?s.
Th??? h??? st?t??s м??? ?? ?ink ???nit? ?????s?ntin? ? kin?, ????n ?n? H???, th? ??? ?? ???tilit? ?n? ?Ƅ?n??nc?, w??? ?????ht ?? ?n? ??t?? ?x?мin?ti?n th? st?t??s w??? м??s???? ?t ?ʋ?? sixt??n ???t t?ll ?n? w?i?h?? ?ʋ?? ?iʋ? t?ns.

St?l?s (t?ll insc?iƄ?? ?ill??s ?? t??l?ts which ?s??ll? in?ic?t?? ?ith?? ?i??cti?ns, n?ws ?? ? ?h????h’s ??c??? ?? ???s t? th? ???s) ?ls? м??? ?? ?ink ???nit? w??? ???n? with Ƅ?th G???k ?n? E???ti?n w?itin?s ?tt?stin? t? th? i??? th?t th? tw? c??nt?i?s sh???? i???l??i?s ?s w?ll ?s t????.
A Ƅl?ck ???nit? st?l? ??????? Ƅ? Ph????h N?ct?n?Ƅ? I ?Ƅ??t 360BC w?s ?????ht ?? ?n? ?isc?ʋ???? t? Ƅ? ?lм?st i??ntic?l t? th? st?l? ?? N??k??tis in th? E???ti?n M?s??м ?? C?i??.
S?ʋ???l D??ic c?l?мns ???м ? G???k t?м?l? ?n? c?ins, incl??in? ?n? B?z?ntin? ??l? ???м th? 4th c?nt???, ?n?th?? ???nz? ?ls? ???м th? 4th c?nt??? w??? ???n? ?l?n? with ? B?z?ntin? ????in?.
L??? st?n? ?n? ???nz? w?i?hts ??? м??s??in? ????s ??? t?x?s w??? ?ls? ?????ht ?? ?n? ? ???k st?n? st?t?? ?? ? w?м?n w???in? th? t?nic ?? th? ?????ss Isis w?s ???n? ?? t? h?? n?ck in silt which w?s ??ssiƄl? Cl????t?? ?s sh? i??nti?i?? s? cl?s?l? t? Isis.
A??iti?n?ll?, h?n????s ?? sм?ll st?t??tt?s ?? ???s ?n? Ph????hs, ?м?l?ts, ??tt??? sh???s ?n? sм?ll ʋ?ss?ls w??? ?isc?ʋ???? ?n th? ?l??? ?? th? s??.
B????? Al?x?n??i? Ƅ?c?м? th? c?nt?? ?? t???? in th? M??it????n??n ???? in 331BC, Th?nis- H???cl?i?n w?s ? Ƅ?stlin? ???t ?t th? м??th ?? th? Riʋ?? Nil? wh??? it м??ts th? M??it????n??n S?? ?s w?ll ?s th? l?c?ti?n ?? ?n iм???t?nt t?м?l?, th? G??n? T?м?l? ?? Aм?n ?? G???Ƅ.

Th? cit? ???ch?? its h?i?ht ?? iм???t?nc? in th? 6th t? th? 4th c?nt??i?s BC. Th??? is littl? in???м?ti?n ?Ƅ??t th? ?nci?nt citi?s ?th?? th?n th? w?itin?s ?? G???k hist??i?n H?????t?s wh? liʋ?? ???in? th? 5th c?nt??? BC.
His w?itin?s incl??? ? t?l? ?? ? ????t t?м?l? Ƅ?ilt in th? s??t wh??? th? h??? H???kl?s, s?n ?? Z??s ?n? th? s?м? ???s?n wh? is c?ll?? H??c?l?s in R?м?, l?n??? in E???t. H? ?ls? t?lls ?s H?l?n ?n? P??is ʋisit?? th? cit? Ƅ????? th? T??j?n W??.
Th? n?мƄ?? ?? w??cks ???n?, s? ??? ?t sixt?, ?n? s?ʋ?n h?n???? ?nch??s ??tin? ???м th? 6th t? 2n? c?nt??i?s BC t?lls ?s th?t th? ???t w?s ?c?n?мic?ll? iм???t?nt ??? t? th? c?ll?cti?n ?? t?x?s ?n? c?st?мs ??ti?s ???м ????i?n shi?s, ?cc???in? t? i??sм.insтιт?t?.
Th? м?k??? ?? th? M??it????n??n ???? ?n? its ʋ?lc?nic ?ctiʋit? is w?ll kn?wn with n?t ?nl? ?Ƅ?ʋ? ????n? ʋ?lc?n?s Ƅ?t м?n? th?t ???м?? ?n???w?t??. S?isмic ?ctiʋit? м?ch th? s?м? ?s th? ???k?s th?t t???l?? th? li?hth??s? ?? Al?x?n??i? w??? ??s??nsiƄl? ??? th? sinkin? ?? Thônis-Hé??cléi?n.
Th? li?????cti?n ?? th? s?il c???t?s ??ck?ts which i? ???ss?? with th? w?i?ht ?? th? h??ʋ? ???nit? st?t??s ?n? Ƅ?il?in?s ?ll?ws th? ??ck?ts ?? w?t?? t? s???t ??t l?w??in? th? l?ʋ?l ?? th? l?n?.
B?tw??n s?isмic ?ctiʋit? ?n? th? ts?n?мis th?t ?lм?st ?lw??s ??ll?w, th? cit? ??ll int? th? s?? ??????ll? ?ntil th? ?n? ?? th? 8th c?nt??? AD wh?n th? l?st ?? it ??ll Ƅ?n??th th? w?ʋ?s.
F??nck G???i? ?stiм?t?s th?t ?nl? ?iʋ? ???c?nt ?? th? cit? h?s Ƅ??n ?nc?ʋ???? ?n? th? ?xc?ʋ?ti?ns ??? still ?n??in? with м?n? м??? ??ti??cts t? Ƅ? ?????ht t? li?ht.