Little Grey and Little White, two beluga whales, were discovered off the coast of Russia in 2011 and later performed at Chengfeng Ocean World in Shanghai.
After spending nine years in captivity, they underwent a lengthy relocation process and were transported 6,000 kilometers to Iceland. There, they found a new home at the Beluga Whale Sanctuary run by the British nonprofit Sea Life Trust, allowing them to experience freedom in a natural environment.
The whales displayed wide grins as they were lowered back into the water, clearly expressing their happiness at being released into the ocean. Despite the сһаɩɩeпɡeѕ of transporting two beluga whales, weighing over a ton each and requiring a daily diet of 110 pounds of fish, the process went smoothly.
Little Grey and Little White spent several months acclimating to the colder Icelandic environment in the open-water refuge before their return to the sea, where they are now enjoying their newfound freedom and natural habitat.