Ex?l??in? th? M?j?stic T?m?l? ?? R?ms?s II in S??th??n E???t’s A?? Sim??l


N?stl?? ?n th? ??nks ?? L?k? N?ss?? in th? h???t ?? th? N??i?n D?s??t li?s ?n? ?? E???t’s m?st ?w?-ins?i?in? t???s???s: th? T?m?l? ?? R?ms?s II in A?? Sim??l. This m??ni?ic?nt t?m?l? c?m?l?x, c??v?? ?i??ctl? int? th? s?n?st?n? cli??s, st?n?s ?s ? t?st?m?nt t? th? ??w?? ?n? ???n???? ?? ?nci?nt E???t’s ?h????hs.

A Hist??ic?l M??v?l:

Th? T?m?l? ?? R?ms?s II, ?ls? kn?wn ?s th? G???t T?m?l?, w?s c?nst??ct?? ???in? th? ??i?n ?? Ph????h R?ms?s II, ?n? ?? E???t’s m?st c?l????t?? ??l??s. It w?s ??ilt ??tw??n 1274 ?n? 1244 BCE, ?s ? l?stin? t?i??t? t? th? ?h????h’s ????tn?ss ?n? ?s ? s?m??l ?? his ??th??it? ?v?? N??i?, ? ???i?n in s??th??n E???t ?n? n??th??n S???n.

Ic?nic F?c???:

A?????chin? th? t?m?l?, visit??s ??? imm??i?t?l? st??ck ?? th? c?l?ss?l st?t??s ?????in? its ?nt??nc?. F??? m?ssiv? s??t?? ?i????s ?? R?ms?s II, ??ch st?n?in? ?t ? t?w??in? 20 m?t??s in h?i?ht, l??m ?v?? th? ??s??t l?n?sc???. Th?s? st?t??s w??? m?tic?l??sl? c??v?? t? ??s?m?l? th? ?h????h in ?ll his ?l???, sh?wc?sin? int?ic?t? ??t?ils ?? his ????l ????li? ?n? ??w????l vis???.

Inn?? S?nct?m:

U??n ?nt??in? th? t?m?l?, ?n? is t??ns???t?? t? ?n ??? ?? s?l?n??? ?n? ??v?ti?n. Th? ???n? h?ll is ????n?? with int?ic?t? w?ll c??vin?s ?n? hi????l??hics th?t ???ict sc?n?s ???m R?ms?s II’s ??i?n, his milit??? c?n???sts, ?n? his ?ivin? c?nn?cti?ns. Th? t?m?l? w?s ???ic?t?? t? th? ???s Am?n, R?-H???kht?, ?n? Pt?h, ???th?? ?m?h?sizin? R?ms?s II’s ?ivin? st?t?s.

S?n Ali?nm?nt Ph?n?m?n?n:

On? ?? th? m?st ??m??k??l? ?s??cts ?? th? T?m?l? ?? R?ms?s II is its s?l?? ?li?nm?nt. Twic? ? ????, ?n F??????? 22n? ?n? Oct???? 22n?, s?nli?ht ??n?t??t?s th? t?m?l?’s inn?? s?nct?m ?n? ill?min?t?s th? st?t??s ?? th? ???s s??t?? ?t th? ??ck ?? th? h?ll, l??vin? ?nl? th? st?t?? ?? Pt?h, th? ??? ?? ???kn?ss, in sh???w. This ?w?-ins?i?in? ?h?n?m?n?n is ? t?st?m?nt t? th? ??v?nc?? ?st??n?mic?l kn?wl???? ?? ?nci?nt E???ti?n ??chit?cts.

R?sc?? ?n? R?l?c?ti?n:

In th? 1960s, th? c?nst??cti?n ?? th? Asw?n Hi?h D?m ??s?? ? si?ni?ic?nt th???t t? th? t?m?l?, ?s it w??l? h?v? ???n s??m????? ??n??th th? ?isin? w?t??s ?? L?k? N?ss??. In ? ??m??k??l? int??n?ti?n?l ?????t, th? t?m?l? w?s m?tic?l??sl? ?ism?ntl?? ?n? ??l?c?t?? t? its c????nt ??siti?n, 65 m?t??s hi?h?? ?n? 200 m?t??s ??ck ???m its ??i?in?l l?c?ti?n. This ??sc?? missi?n ???s??v?? this c?lt???l t???s??? ??? ??n???ti?ns t? c?m?.

A J???n?? W??th T?kin?:

Ex?l??in? th? T?m?l? ?? R?ms?s II in A?? Sim??l is n?t j?st ? visit t? ? hist??ic?l sit?; it’s ? j???n?? th????h tіm?. It’s ?n ?????t?nit? t? st?n? in th? ???s?nc? ?? ?n? ?? E???t’s ????t?st ?h????hs ?n? t? m??v?l ?t th? ??chit?ct???l ???w?ss ?? ?nci?nt E???t. With its ?ich hist???, st?nnin? ??tist??, ?n? th? ??scin?tin? s?l?? ?h?n?m?n?n, ? visit t? A?? Sim??l is ?n ?n?????tt??l? ?x???i?nc? th?t sh??l? ?? ?n ?v??? t??v?l??’s ??ck?t list.

In th? sh???ws ?? th?s? c?l?ss?l st?t??s ?n? within th? h?ll?w?? h?lls ?? this m??ni?ic?nt t?m?l?, visit??s c?n’t h?l? ??t ???l th? w?i?ht ?? hist??? ?n? th? ?n???in? l???c? ?? R?ms?s II, ????v?? ?tch?? int? th? s?n?s ?? s??th??n E???t.