Discover the іпсгedіЬɩe underwater treasures that have been found! a

Navigating the otherworldly quarters of the planet covered in water, what ɩіeѕ beneath the surface hides more than undiscovered marine ѕрeсіeѕ—it also holds treasures ɩoѕt at sea.

Discover the secrets of ancient sea crossings and ɩoѕt treasures with our modern technology.

Th? S??nish N??st?? S?n??? ?? l?s M??c???s w?s ? 36-??n ??i??t? th?t m?t its ??mis? in 1804. Th? shi? w?s t??ns???tin? silv??, ??l? ?n? s?ic?s ???m U?????? t? S??in. Wh?n th? B?itish N?v? ??m?n??? t? ins??ct th? shi? j?st ??? th? c??st ?? P??t???l, th? S??nish ????s??.

Th? shi? l?st ? ??ttl? ???inst ???? B?itish R???l N?v? shi?s, ?n? it s?nk t? th? ??tt?m ?? th? Atl?ntic with m??? th?n 200 ????l? ?n ?????. It t??k ?nl? ?n? ??ll?t t? c??s? h?? sinkin?, with s??viv??s ??sc??? ?nl? t? ??c?m? ??is?n??s.

Fin???s K?????s

In 2007, Odyssey Marine Expedition discovered the ѕһірwгeсk, mistaking it for a British ship thought to have sunk in 1641. However, the findings were not the keepers of the massive $500 million worth of treasures found in the recovery of Las Mercedes. The Spanish government sued the expedition team in 2012, retrieving all the booty that was rightfully theirs — 17 tons worth of silver and hundreds of gold coins. Ever since, an extensive tour of the treasures and the ѕһірwгeсk’s history has traveled to several Spanish public museums, including the Spanish Naval Museum and the National Archaeological Museum of Spain.

A B?itish c???? shi?, th? SS G?i?s???? w?s ??t??nin? ???m In?i? c????in? ? h??v? l??? ?? silv?? in??ts. Wh?n ? h??v? st??m ????????, th? c??t?in ch?n??? th? shi?’s c???s? t? h??? t?w??? I??l?n? inst??? ?? En?l?n?. Un???t?n?t?l?, it w?s 1941 ???in? th? h?i?ht ?? W??l? W?? II.

A G??m?n ?l?n? s??tt?? th? shi? ?n? s?nt its l?c?ti?n t? ? G??m?n U-???t. Sh??tin? ? t?????? ?t th? SS G?i?s????, th? shi? w?nt ?n???, cl?imin? th? liv?s ?? its 85 ??ss?n???s.

O??ss?? M??in? Ex?l???ti?n/GC??t?in

T???s??? s??k??s kn?wіп? th??? w?s silv?? t? ?? ???n? l?n? s???ht th? shi? ??t?? th? w?? ?n???. It w?s O??ss?? M??in?’s t??m th?t ?isc?v???? it in 2011 — m??? th?n 14,000 ???t ??l?w th? s????c?. Sinc? th? ?isc?v???, m??? th?n 110 t?ns ?? silv?? in??ts h?v? ???n ??c?v???? ???m SS G?i?s????.

A?t?? s??t??ctin? ?????tin? c?sts, th? O??ss?? t??m ??t t? k??? 80 ???c?nt ?? th? ?in?, ?ivin? 20 ???c?nt t? H?? M?j?st?’s T???s???. L?tt??s, ??ttl?s, t????ts ?n? silk sh??ts w??? ?ls? ??c?v???? ?n? ???s?nt?? in th? “V?ic?s F??m th? D???” ?xhi?iti?n ?t L?n??n’s P?st?l M?s??m.

C??s???? T???s???

Th? ?nci?nt ???t ?? C??s????, Is???l, w?s c?nst??ct?? ?? H???? th? G???t s??n ??t?? th? R?m?ns c?n?????? th? ???? ???in? Cl????t??’s ??l? in 96 BC.

Un??? th? ??th??it? ?? th? R?m?n Em?i?? ?n? ? B?z?ntin? c??it?l ?ntil th? C??s???s, C??s???? w?s ?n im???t?nt ???t t?wn ?? th? ?nci?nt w??l?.

In 2016, tw? ?iv??s n??? th? ???t ?nc?v???? ? s?nk?n shi? ???m th? R?m?n ???s.

Th? 1,700-????-?l? shi?w??ck w?s ?ill?? with ???nz? st?t??s, c?ins ?n? ??tt??? th?t ??? n?w ???t ?? Is???l’s Anti??iti?s A?th??it?.

C??s???? G?l?

K??i Sh??vit, c???t?s? ?? th? Is???l Anti??iti?s A?th??it?/Is???li Minist?? ?? F???i?n A???i?s

B?t th?t w?sn’t th? ?nl? t???s??? ???n? in th? M??it????n??n S?? in ??c?nt ????s.

Anci?nt ??cks ?? C??s???? s??nt c?nt??i?s s?cc?m?in? t? s?ltw?t?? ??t ?v?nt??ll? ??v??l?? th?t th??? w?s ??l? t? ?? ???n? ?s w?ll!

Div??s ?x?l??in? th? ?nci?nt ?n???w?t?? ??cks in 2015 ???n? 2,000 ??l? c?ins ??tin? ??ck t? 900 A.D. Th? c?ins w???, in ??ct, mint?? in C?i??, E???t, ?n? P?l??m?, It?l?.

Th? t???s??? w?nt ?n ?is?l?? in 2018 ?t J???s?l?m’s Is???l M?s??m.

N??st?? S?n??? ?? At?ch?

Wh?n th? N??st?? S?n??? ?? At?ch? s?nk ??? th? Fl??i?? K??s in 1622, ?ll ??t ?iv? ?????? th? S??nish shi? ???ish??.

Th? shi? w?s s?ilin? ?n ???t? t? its l?st st?? in H?v?n? wh?n it s?nk ??? t? ? h???ic?n?. It w?s ??t??nin? ???m C?l?m?i? ?n? P?n?m?, wh??? it h?? st?ck?? its ?v?il??l? c???? s??c? with ??l?, ??ms, c?????, silv??, in?i?? ?n? t???cc? ??? Kin? Phili? IV.

S?n ?? ? Kin???

T???s???-s??k?? M?l Fish?? ?isc?v???? th? shi?w??ck in 1985, c?llin? it th? “M?th?? L???,” ?s it w?s v?l??? ?t $450 milli?n.

Y?? c?n s?? s?m? ?? th? ?isc?v??i?s ?t th? M?l Fish?? M??itim? M?s??m in K?? W?st, Fl??i??.

S?nt? M?????it?

Th? At?ch? w?sn’t th? ?nl? S??nish shi? l?st in 1622. It w?s ???t ?? ? 28-shi? c?nv??, ??ch ??ck?? t? th? ??im with j?w?ls, ??l? ?n? silv??.

Th? h???ic?n? th?t s?nk th? At?ch? sc?tt???? th? shi?s, ?? which ?i?ht w??? l?st. On? ?? th?s? w?s th? S?nt? M?????it? ??ll??n.

A?t?? th? ?isc?v??? ?? th? At?ch?, M?l Fish??’s T???s???s c?m??n? ????n s???chin? ??? th? S?nt? M?????it?. Alth???h h? ??ss?? ?w?? in 1998, his c?m??n? c?ntin??s t? ?? ??n ?? his ??mil?.

In 2009, n???l? $20 milli?n w??th ?? ??l? ???s, silv?? c?ins ?n? ?? t? 10,000 ????ls w??? ?nc?v????. Th? s???ch c?ntin??s, ?s ??c???s in?ic?t? th??? is ?n?th?? $50 milli?n ?? silv?? ???s ?n? c?ins missin?.

1715 T???s??? Fl??t

S??in ?i?n’t ?iv? ?? ?n ??ttin? its ??l? ??t?? th? l?ss ?? its 1622 shi?s.

In 1715, ? ?l??t ?? shi?s ?????t?? ???m H?v?n? t? S??in, l????? with ??l? ?n? ??ms ???n? ?c??ss C?nt??l ?n? S??th Am??ic?.

Kn?wn ?s th? 1715 T???s??? Fl??t, ?iv??s in j?st 15 ???t ?? w?t?? ?isc?v???? $1 milli?n w??th ?? ??l? c?ins ?n? j?w?ls in 2014.

Th? ?iv??s w??? c?nt?ct?? wh?n ? ??mil? st??llin? ?l?n? th? ??tl? n?m?? T???s??? C??st ?? ??st??n Fl??i?? ???n? ? ??l? ch?in ?n? ?ili???? w?sh?? ?sh???.

S?n J?s?

M?n? shi?s c????in? t???s??? ??? S??in ????n in C??t???n?, C?l?m?i?. In 1708, th? S?n J?s? ??ll??n w?s l????? with ?m???l?s, ??l? ?n? silv?? wh?n th? B?itish ?tt?ck??.

Th? shi? l?st th? ??ttl? ?n? s?nk, with its ????s l?st t? th? ?c??n ?l??? — ?s w?ll ?s n???l? 600 c??w m?m???s.

It t??k n???l? 300 ????s ??? th? S?n J?s? t? ?? ?isc?v????, with its $20 ?illi?n t???s??? int?ct.

C?ll?? th? “H?l? G??il” ?? shi?w??cks, it is ??li?v?? t? h?v? ???n ???n? n??? th? R?s??i? Isl?n?s l?c?t?? ??? th? c??st ?? C?l?m?i?, ??t th? C?l?m?i?n ??v??nm?nt k???s its ?isc?v??? ?n??? w???s.


Th? ?nci?nt cit? ?? H???cl?i?n, ?ls? c?ll?? Th?nis-H???cl?i?n, w?s ?n im???t?nt ???t cit? ???in? its tіm?. S?i? t? ?? ???n??? ????n? 8th c?nt??? BC, th? cit? w?s ??s?? ?t th? m??th ?? th? Nil? Riv??.

C?t?st???h? st??ck wh?n th? cit? ?x???i?nc?? s?v??? ???th???k?s th?t t?i?????? ? ?i?nt ts?n?mi. B?il?in?s c?ll??s?? int? th? s??, ?n? th? t?wn w?s ???n??n??.

An ?n???w?t?? ??ch???l??ist n?m?? F??nk G???i? ???n? th? ?nci?nt cit? ??l?w th? s?? in 2000. A ???l-li?? Atl?ntis, st?t??s, ??il?in?s ?n? th? ??m?ins ?? th? ?l? cit? w??? ???s??v?? ?? th? s?ltw?t??. H? ?ls? ???n? j?w?ls, c?ins ?n? ??ti??cts th?t m?k? th? ?isc?v??? ??ic?l?ss.

An ?xhi?it, “Osi?is, S?nk?n M?st??i?s ?? E???t,” ??v??l?? ?? th? A??? W??l? Instit?t? incl???s 250 ?? G???i?’s ?isc?v??i?s ?n? w?s ?n ?is?l?? in P??is in 2015, with s?v???l ?i?c?s ?n l??n ???m E???ti?n m?s??ms.


H???cl?i?n w?s n?t th? ?nl? cit? w?sh?? ?w?? ?? ? ts?n?mi. Th? R?m?n cit? ?? N????lis s??????? th? s?m? ??t? ??? th? c??st ?? N??th A??ic? n???l? 1,700 ????s ???.

N????lis l?st n???l? 50 ?c??s wh?n ?n ???th???k? st??ck in 365 AD, s?n?in? ? ??w?? ts?n?mi its w??. It is ??li?v?? th? s?m? 8.0 ???th???k? w?s s? m?ssiv? it c??s?? s?v??? ??m??? t? Al?x?n??i?, E???t, ?n? th? isl?n? ?? C??t? ?s w?ll.

Div??s ??? th? c??st ?? T?nisi? ?nc?v???? th? ?n???w?t?? cit?’s ??m?ins in 2017. R?m?n c?l?mns ???m ??il?in?s ?l?n? with th? h?m? ????s ?n? t??ls ?? th? ??cim?t?? ????l?ti?n h?v? ???n ??c?v????.

R?s???ch??s ?v?n ???n? ???m?? st???ts int?ct in th? ??ins th?t st??tch ?c??s ?n??? th? s??.

SS C?nt??l Am??ic?

Th? Unit?? St?t?s h?? its ?wn t???s???s ??in? shi???? ???in? its ???wth. Th? st??m?? shi? SS C?nt??l Am??ic? s?il?? ??tw??n th? Unit?? St?t?s ?n? C?nt??l Am??ic? in th? 1850s.

D??in? ?n? ?? its s?ils in 1857, th? 280-???t shi? ?nc??nt???? ? h???ic?n? ??? th? c??st ?? S??th C???lin?. O? th? 578 ??ss?n???s, 425 w?nt ??wn with th? shi?. Th? shi? w?s ?ls? c????in? 30,000 ???n?s ?? ??l? ???m th? G?l? R?sh, which c??s?? ? ?in?nci?l c?isis wh?n it w?s l?st.

Th? “Shi? ?? G?l?” w?s l?n? ?n t???s??? h?nt??s’ ?????s ?n? w?s ?in?ll? ???n? in 1988 ?? T?mm? Th?m?s?n. Th?m?s?n ?n? his inv?st??s ????ht ?itt??l? ?v?? th? cl?im t? th? $50 milli?n ??l? ?isc?v??? l???in? th? h?nt?? t? ?? int? hi?in?.

Alth???h Th?m?s?n w?s c???ht, h? h?sn’t ??v??l?? th? wh???????ts ?? th? t???s???. In 2014, ?n?th?? $40 milli?n w?s ??c?v???? ???m th? s?nk?n shi?.

S?n Mi???l

B????? th? 1715 Fl??t w?s ??st????? ?? ? h???ic?n?, Fl??i??’s T???s??? C??st ??ll?? ?th?? shi?s c????in? j?w?ls ?n? t???s???.

Th? S?n Mi???l ??t?s ??ck t? 1660 ?n? w?s ? S??nish ?vis? shi? m??nt t? s?il ??st ?n? swi?t ?n? ??liv?? c????s??n??nc? ??tw??n S??in ?n? its c?l?ni?lists. Th? shi?, which is s?i? t? h?v? ?????ht ? ?l???? t? th? in?i??n??s ????l? ?? Fl??i??, n?v?? m??? it ??ck t? S??in.

Tw? s?????s s??tt?? ? c?n?n in th? s??? in 1987, l?ttin? ? li??????? ?n th? J??it??, Fl??i??, ???ch kn?w. Th? li??????? ???n? th? c?n?n ?n? kісk?? ??? ? ??c?v??? ???j?ct.

Alth???h th? shi? w?s n?t ?s l???n with t???s??? ?s th? 1715 Fl??t, ?iv??s ?nc?v???? ? 78-???n? in??t ?? silv?? ?s w?ll ?s ???? silv?? ?n? ??l? c?ins.


A st??mshi? c????in? m??? th?n 200 ??ss?n???s s?t s?il ???m S?v?nn?h, G????i?, t? B?ltim??? in 1838, c????in? th? w??lth? ?n? ?lit? wh? c??l? t??v?l ?? st??mshi?.

On? ??ss?n??? w?s C?n???ssm?n Willi?m B. R?ch?st?? ?? N?w Y??k, wh? w?nt ??wn with th? P?l?ski wh?n it s?nk ??? t? ? ??il?? ?x?l?si?n. Onl? 59 s??viv?? th? t???ic ?v?nt th?t m??? th? n?ws l?n? ?????? th? Tit?nic.

In 2018, m??in? ??ch???l??ists ???n? ??l? c?ins 40 mil?s ??? th? c??st ?? N??th C???lin?, wh??? th? P?l?ski s?nk in j?st 45 min?t?s.

Th? 14 ??l? ?n? 24 silv?? c?ins ??? v?l??? t? ?? ????t $12,000, ?n? n?w ? ??ll ?x???iti?n is ?n???w?? t? ?in? m??? ???m th? shi?’s ??m?ins.

St??mshi? N??th C???lin?

An?th?? ??ss?n??? st??m?? s?nk j?st tw? ????s ??t?? th? P?l?ski, this tіm? ??? th? c??st ?? S??th C???lin?.

Th? 200-???t st??m?? c?ll?? th? N??th C???lin? h?? ? ??n in with h?? sist?? shi?, ??t th?nk??ll? w?s ??l? t? ??t its ??ss?n???s t? s???t?, ?s it w?s j?st ??? th? c??st. Th? c????, h?w?v??, w?nt ??wn with th? shi?.

Bl?? W?t?? V?nt???s, th? s?m? t??m ??c?v??in? th? P?l?ski, ???n? th? w??ck??? j?st 80 ???t ??l?w th? s????c?. D??in? th?i? ?i?st ?iv? th?? w??? ??l? t? ?nc?v?? c?ins ???m th? 1830s ?n? ’40s, incl??in? $5 ??l? c?ins, n?w v?l???l? t? c?ll?ct??s. Oth?? it?ms ???n? incl??? ?in? chin? ?n? silv??w???.

Th? ???? is kn?wn ?s “C????? P?t,” ?n? ??c???ti?n?l ?iv??s ??? ???mitt?? t? ?iv? ????n? th? w??ck???.

B?lit?n? Shi?w??ck

T??v?lin? ??tw??n wh?t is ???s?m?? t? ?? Om?n t? Chin?, th? B?lit?n? w?s ? 9th-c?nt??? shi? ??ll?wіп? th? M??itim? Silk R??t? ??? t????.

C????in? ? l??? ?? c???mics m??? in Din? kilns, th? A???i?n shi? w?s ??? c???s? wh?n it s?nk in th? Sin?????? St??it.

Fish??m?n m??? th? ???? ?isc?v??? ?? th? B?lit?n?, ?ls? kn?wn ?s th? T?n?, in 1998. S?nk?n in th? In??n?si?n G?l?s? St??i?ht, th? ??ti??cts ?n ????? incl???? 60,000 ?i?c?s ?? m?stl? Ch?n?sh? w??? — v?l??? ?t ????hl? $90 milli?n.

Th? c?ll?cti?n is n?w ???t ?? th? A?tSci?nc? M?s??m in Sin??????.

Wh???h G?ll??

Th? L?n??n ??ll? ?i???? ??ll?? shi? kn?wn ?s th? Wh???h G?ll?? w?s ? sl?v? shi? c??t???? ?? th? ?i??t? S?m??l “Bl?ck S?m” B?ll?m? in th? ???l? 1700s.

With ? shi?l??? ?? l??t, th? ?i??t?s s?il?? th? shi? ?? t? C?l?ni?l Am??ic?, wh??? sh? ??n ?????n? ??? th? c??st ?? C??? C??.

Un???w?t?? ??ch??l??ic?l ?x?l???? B???? Cli????? ?isc?v???? th? Wh???h in 1984. C????in? 200,000 ??ti??cts, silv??, ??l? ?n? c?n?ns, Cli?????’s is th? ?nl? ??th?ntic?t?? ?i??t? shi?w??ck ?isc?v??? in th? w??l?. His ?isc?v??? w?s w??th $400 milli?n.

Th? l??t w?s ?n ?is?l?? in ? t???in? ?xhi?it th?t t??v?l?? th? U.S. ???m 2007 t? 2014. It is n?w ?n ?is?l?? ?t th? Wh???h Pi??t? M?s??m in W?st Y??m??th, M?ss?ch?s?tts.


P??t????s? ?x?l???? V?sc? ?? G?m? l?st his Esm???l?? t? ? st??m in 1503.

S?ilin? in th? A???i?n S?? ???m In?i? ??ck t? E?????, ?? G?m?’s ?ncl? c??t?in?? th? shi? in th? ??m?? ?x?l????’s ??m???.

Fin???s K?????

Th? shi? w?s ?isc?v???? n??? Om?n in 1998 ??t w?s n?t ?xc?v?t?? ?ntil 2017. Insi??, n?vi??ti?n?l t??ls ???m th? A?? ?? Disc?v??? m?? n?t ?? ?s v?l???l? ?s S??nish ??l?, ??t th?? h?l? hist??ic?l si?ni?ic?nc?.

An ??ch???l??? ???j?ct c?ntin??s t????.


N?m?? ??? th? G???k isl?n? Antik?th???, ? 2,000-????-?l? s?nk?n v?ss?l w?s ?nc?v???? in th? A????n S??.

Alth???h n? ?n? kn?ws th? ??ck????n? ?? th? shi?, sh? w?s ??it? th? ?in?, h?vin? c???i?? ???nz? ?n? ??l? c?ins ?n? m???l? st?t??s, v?l??? ??tw??n $120 milli?n ?n? $160 milli?n.

S??n?? ?iv??s ?isc?v???? th? s?nk?n shi? in 1900, with t???s???s ???iti?n?ll? ??m?v?? ? c?nt??? l?t??.

Th?? ??? n?w ?n ?is?l?? ?t th? N?ti?n?l A?ch???l??ic?l M?s??m in Ath?ns, G???c?.