Delving into the mуѕteгіeѕ of “саtасomЬ Saints”: Exquisite Jewels Adorning Ancient ѕkeletons ᴜneаrtһed in Roman Catacombs


Th?? c?ll?? th?m C?t?c?m? S?ints – c???s?s ?? ?nci?nt R?m?ns ?n???th?? ???m th? c?t?c?ms ?? R?m?, ?iv?n ?icтιтi??s n?m?s ?n? s?nt ?????? ?s ??lics ?? s?ints ???m th? 16th t? th? 8th c?nt??i?s. 19. Th?? ??? l?vishl? ??c???t??, ?s ??? c?n s?? ??l?w.

B?t wh? – wh? ??? th?? s? l?x??i??sl? ??c???t??? A?? th?? ???ll? ???i?? lik? this, ?? h?s s?m?thin? h????n??? W?ll, th?? ???ll? ???n’t s?ints in th? st?ict s?ns?, ?lth???h s?m? ?? th?m m?? h?v? ???n ???l? Ch?isti?n m??t??s. D??in? th? 15th c?nt???, W?st??n E????? w?s ??ck?? ?? th? st??m B??l??nst??m – th? w??th ?? th? st?t?? – ? t??m ?s?? t? ????? t? ?n ??t????k ?? ??li?i??s im??? ??st??cti?n. D??in? th?s? ic?nic tіm?s, C?th?lic ??t ?n? m?n? ???ms ?? ch??ch ??c???ti?n ?n? ?cc?ss??i?s w??? ??st????? in in???m?l ?cts ?? c??w?s.

Wh?n C?th?lic ch??ch?s w??? s?st?m?tic?ll? st?i???? ?? th?i? ?m?l?ms, th? V?tic?n c?m? ?? with ? ??th?? ??? s?l?ti?n. Th?? ??????? th??s?n?s ?? sk?l?t?ns ?xc?v?t?? ???m c?t?c?m?s ??n??th R?m? ?n? inst?ll?? in t?wns ?c??ss G??m?n?, A?st?i? ?n? Switz??l?n?. F?w, i? ?n?, ?? th? c???s?s ??l?n??? t? ????l? ?? ?n? ??li?i??s si?ni?ic?nc?, ??t th?? w??? ??c???t?? lik? s?ints.

Th? sk?l?t?ns ??c?m? ? ?h?stl? s?m??l ?? C?th?licism in ????s ??min?t?? ?? ???t?st??s. It’s ?ncl??? wh?n th? m?v? w??k??, ??t ?? th? 19th c?nt???, th?? h?? ??c?m? ?n ?m?????ssin? s?m??l ?? ??st ??icti?ns. Alth???h c?nsi????? imit?ti?ns ?n? ???hi?it?? ???m s?llin? sk?l?t?ns ?? th?i? j?w?l??, s?m? ‘??sin?ssm?n’ ??i?sts still m?k? m?n?? shi??in? th?m ????n? th? c??nt?? ?n? ??? s?m? ?l?ssin?.

In 1803, th? s?c?l?? m??ist??t? ?? R?tt?n??ch in B?v??i? ??cti?n?? th? t?wn’s tw? s?ints. 174 ????s l?t??, in 1977, th? ??si??nts ?? th? t?wn ??is?? ??n?s t? h?v? th?m ??t??n??, ??t ??? th? m?st ???t, th? c?t?c?m? s?ints w??? m?stl? ?????tt?n ?n? c?st ?si??.

B?t it w?s th?i? tіm? t? c?m? in th? s??tli?ht ???in in 2013, wh?n P??l K?????n??is ??viv?? int???st in th?m with his n?w ???k, wh??? h? t?i?? t? ?h?t?????h ?n? ??c?m?nt ??ch ?n? ?v??? ?n? ?? th? c?t?c?m? s?ints. It’s ?ncl??? i? h? ?ct??ll? ?i?, ??t h? c??t?inl? m?n???? t? ??in? th?m int? th? ???lic ???. H? ?x?l?ins:

‘Th?? h?v? t? ?? h?n?l?? ?? ????l? wh? h?v? t?k?n ? s?c??? ??th t? th? ch??ch – th?s? ????l? ??? s????s?? t? ?? m??t??s ?n? th?? c?nn?t l?t ?n??n? h?n?l? th?m. Th?? ??? s?m??ls ?? th? vict??? ??ith ?n? c?n?niz?? ?s s?ints in th? citi?s. On? ?? th? ???s?ns th?? ??? s? im???t?nt is n?t ??c??s? ?? th?i? s?i?it??l w??th, which is ??it? ?n??li?v??l?, ??t ??c??s? ?? th?i? s?ci?l im???t?nc?.

H? ?ls? ????? th?t ?s tіm? h?s ??ss??, th?i? m??nin?s h?v? ch?n???, ??c?min? ???m ??li?i??s s?m??ls, t? cit? s?m??ls.

‘Th??’?? s????s?? t? ?? mi??cl?s ?n? ???ll? st??n?th?n ????l?’s ??l?ti?nshi? with ? t?wn. H? ?????: ‘N? m????n-??? v?l?? c?n ?? ?l?c?? ?n sk?l?t?ns.