Ramba, an Asian elephant with a history of decades in South American circuses, has found a new home at the Elephant Sanctuary Brazil in Mato Grosso, Brazil, after a long journey from a Chilean zoo.
Her arrival was widely anticipated and broadcast live on Facebook. Ramba, estimated to be over 52 years old, had a troubled past, having worked in circuses in Argentina and Chile before being rescued in 2012. She was kept in a roadside zoo in Chile while her rescuers searched for a suitable sanctuary.
The ordeal left her with health іѕѕᴜeѕ. Ramba’s journey to the sanctuary was marked by online videos, and she is now in the company of two other female Asian elephants, Rana and Maia, who were also former circus performers.
The sanctuary provides a quiet and safe environment for Ramba to heal and be with others of her kind, away from public display.